Thursday, November 14, 2024

What kind of resistance for American Totalitarianism?

 A lot of quotes by Hannah Arendt have been going around in my online circles in the last few days. (Here's some essays on Arendt by one of my favorite writers on technology criticism, Michael Sacasas:

Arendt was one of the great chroniclers of Totalitarianism, through Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia and after their downfall. When I think about what is happening in the US, the parallels are very strong, and I think it likely that the lessons learned from fascism and totalitarianism in the past will be very useful in dealing with what is to come.
At the same time, when I think about what I know of those who resisted during those times, the story feels so dire and my imagination shuts down. I'm more inspired by the history of civil rights, resistance to the Vietnam war and all the other progressive causes that have been so hard won in the US. There is a dramatic attempt to shut them all down and reverse all of that progress. How do we tap into this history of the US and move forward with courage and pride? We have to think about what we love about the US. If we don't fight for it, it will be taken away, faster than we can imagine. I think one needs to fight out of love, and not out of fear. That's what I'm working with right now. The fear is easy to find, right there on the surface. The love may be more ellusive, but it is also there, and deeper down and more sustainable.

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